Friday, September 2, 2011

10 Months- 10 Things i love about sweet p

1.  The way you utter the word "do(g)", "da(da)"
2.  The way you are trying to be mr. independent- you would rather scream then lay down long enough for me to change your diaper or your clothes
3.  The way you look so much like your daddy.  you have so many of his features which makes me love you even more.
4.  The way your belly rounds out
5.  your short legs- you might be in size 12 months forever.
6.  the sleepy eyes and the extra cuddle time you need in the morning after first waking up.
7.  You are fearless!  no dog bowl, dog kennel, or baby gate is going to keep you from getting to them. 
8.  your cute little smirk and the fact that you are always smiling.
9.  The way you cling to me and you crave my closeness that you cry when i put you down. 
10.  The thought that you are my everything- you consume my every thought.