Monday, August 17, 2015


This October will celebrate 7 years of marriage with Dustin.  Two kids later and it feels like a lifetime ago we were falling in love and staying in love.  A husband is supposed to be a best friend, a confidant, a person whom you share joint goals, and someone who you love and respect.  I cannot say that about him.  If anything, we have turned into roommates who happen to have two adorable boys together.  I have sought him to be the leader of our home and quite honestly he is not living up to my expectations.  We have tried conseling.  We have tried prayer.  It seems like he does not want to make it work.  I want to build a life with someone and share experiences with them.  I do not know what to do.  Should I stay and show the boys this is the life that I expect them to have with their future wives?  Or should I pray more, hoping that he somehow changes his feelings and becomes a good husband and dad?  He will one day realize what he has missed with the boys.