Tuesday, August 23, 2011

What I want to remember about Sweet P at 9 months

--The way you say "do." What does this word mean to you?  How I would love to get in your head and see what you are trying to say.
--They way you stand and then look for me.
--You are always so happy playing by yourself at daycare.
--The way you hold food and try to feed yourself. 
--The way you are oblivious to food on your face.
--You try to hug me and bring my face to yours for a kiss.  It melts my heart everytime. 
--You wiggle everytime i lay you down to change your diaper. 
--The little coos and noises you make.
--The way your smile is so big it fills your entire face.
--The way you giggle when the dog comes near you. 
--How you do not like to put your feet in the grass or anywhere near the grass for that matter.
--You are starting to wear size 3 diapers and growing out of your size 6-9 month clothes. 

I love you so much!  Each day is a blessing that i get to spend with you my sweet P. And yes, this is really late since your 9 month birthday was on the 2nd. 

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