Monday, February 7, 2011

The guilt of a new mom

I miss my sweet three month old son Peyton's big smile.  I miss his big toothless grin when I am at work each day.  I am a little jealous of the people in his life that get to see him for extended amounts of time during the work week.  I get to see him for such a limited amount of time when I get off.  I try to jam pack as much as I can during that time.  But, I cannot help feeling guilty. Guilty that I might not be there when he rolls over for the first time.  I might not be there to comfort him when he feels bad.  During the weekend it is easier to leave him with Dustin while I run a quick errand.  Peyton is at this great age when everyday is a gift.  He is not mobile yet so I enjoy getting to hold him as much as I can.  I try to nurse him as much as possible while we are both home.  This helps a little with the guilt knowing that I am the only one that can have this special bond with him.  It is almost time to go home for the day.  Oh, how I cannot wait to kiss him and hug him. 

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