Thursday, February 24, 2011

Not fist pumping, but breast pumping

First of all, when I started this blog I thought I would be able to post all of the time.  I thought I would have lots to say about a lot of topics.  Boy, was I wrong.  I barely have time to update my Facebook status and that is one sentence.  Today I have been thinking about pumping.  Unfortunately I think about it a lot since at least three times a day I sit by myself in a room just listening to the sounds "Ok, ok, ok...." That is what is sounds like to me.  A continual annoying sound that is hard to tune out.  At least I have Pandora to listen to in the background.  I think giving my son breast milk instead of formula is both a blessing and a God send.  It has so many benefits.    I love nursing him.  I have plenty of time to do that at the house.  I do not have to worry about cleaning his bottles or feeling like a cow.  But, when I am at work I have to pump for him to have plenty of milk for the next day.  And if I am planning on going anywhere after work or on the weekends I have to make sure he has enough. That is always the fun task of making sure he has enough and not too much.  The milk is like liquid gold in our house.  I refuse to throw it out.  Not like he normally has any left anyway.  So, until he turns one year in November I will be a human cow.  Moo moo!

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