Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Ears, nose, and throat

I have been really laxed on blogging.  it has been over two months ago that i wrote anything.  i have been too busy reading other people's blogs and forgetting to update mine.  Once again i took sweet p to the doctor to recheck his ears.  the doctor said that he has taken all of the antibotics he can and made an appointment for him to see a specialist later this week.  all the doctors appointments are taking a lot of time away from work and spending it with him having fun instead of in the doctor's office waiting and wishing we were anywnere but there.  hopefully his ears will get better.  i will be so glad to be done with the sleepless nights.  the ear drops, the crying, the screaming.  the only good part is all of the extra cuddle time i get trying to soothe him.  the only way he will fall asleep is on my chest.  it is the nicest feeling ever to have him lying there.

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