Thursday, November 17, 2011

Peyton Walking

So i have been waiting for my sweet p to walk for months.  I know i am not the typical mom who thinks that walking means that their baby is now a toddler.  i love watching peyton squat, get his little booty up in the air, and then take off with a few steps.  He stumbles a little, but for the most part he keeps on going.  it is so fun to watch him walk like a drunk person.  i tried to get him to walk again this morning but of course he just sat there and ate his cheerios.  he will do it again when he is ready. 

Friday, September 2, 2011

10 Months- 10 Things i love about sweet p

1.  The way you utter the word "do(g)", "da(da)"
2.  The way you are trying to be mr. independent- you would rather scream then lay down long enough for me to change your diaper or your clothes
3.  The way you look so much like your daddy.  you have so many of his features which makes me love you even more.
4.  The way your belly rounds out
5.  your short legs- you might be in size 12 months forever.
6.  the sleepy eyes and the extra cuddle time you need in the morning after first waking up.
7.  You are fearless!  no dog bowl, dog kennel, or baby gate is going to keep you from getting to them. 
8.  your cute little smirk and the fact that you are always smiling.
9.  The way you cling to me and you crave my closeness that you cry when i put you down. 
10.  The thought that you are my everything- you consume my every thought. 

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

What I want to remember about Sweet P at 9 months

--The way you say "do." What does this word mean to you?  How I would love to get in your head and see what you are trying to say.
--They way you stand and then look for me.
--You are always so happy playing by yourself at daycare.
--The way you hold food and try to feed yourself. 
--The way you are oblivious to food on your face.
--You try to hug me and bring my face to yours for a kiss.  It melts my heart everytime. 
--You wiggle everytime i lay you down to change your diaper. 
--The little coos and noises you make.
--The way your smile is so big it fills your entire face.
--The way you giggle when the dog comes near you. 
--How you do not like to put your feet in the grass or anywhere near the grass for that matter.
--You are starting to wear size 3 diapers and growing out of your size 6-9 month clothes. 

I love you so much!  Each day is a blessing that i get to spend with you my sweet P. And yes, this is really late since your 9 month birthday was on the 2nd. 

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Urgh...done with the pump!

I am so sick of the little noise the pumping makes every day.  my whole day is segmented into three hour time blocks that i am either nursing p or pumping...come on november.  i think it is best for hime to go all the way until 12 months.  i have started him on solids which he loves. he really likes the yogurt and bananas.  my little fruit eater.  he is going to eat me out of house and home one day.  i want to eat healthier for him and for us. i like to make our own baby food instead of the store bought kind.  any suggestions to make our own?

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Ears, nose, and throat

I have been really laxed on blogging.  it has been over two months ago that i wrote anything.  i have been too busy reading other people's blogs and forgetting to update mine.  Once again i took sweet p to the doctor to recheck his ears.  the doctor said that he has taken all of the antibotics he can and made an appointment for him to see a specialist later this week.  all the doctors appointments are taking a lot of time away from work and spending it with him having fun instead of in the doctor's office waiting and wishing we were anywnere but there.  hopefully his ears will get better.  i will be so glad to be done with the sleepless nights.  the ear drops, the crying, the screaming.  the only good part is all of the extra cuddle time i get trying to soothe him.  the only way he will fall asleep is on my chest.  it is the nicest feeling ever to have him lying there.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Not fist pumping, but breast pumping

First of all, when I started this blog I thought I would be able to post all of the time.  I thought I would have lots to say about a lot of topics.  Boy, was I wrong.  I barely have time to update my Facebook status and that is one sentence.  Today I have been thinking about pumping.  Unfortunately I think about it a lot since at least three times a day I sit by myself in a room just listening to the sounds "Ok, ok, ok...." That is what is sounds like to me.  A continual annoying sound that is hard to tune out.  At least I have Pandora to listen to in the background.  I think giving my son breast milk instead of formula is both a blessing and a God send.  It has so many benefits.    I love nursing him.  I have plenty of time to do that at the house.  I do not have to worry about cleaning his bottles or feeling like a cow.  But, when I am at work I have to pump for him to have plenty of milk for the next day.  And if I am planning on going anywhere after work or on the weekends I have to make sure he has enough. That is always the fun task of making sure he has enough and not too much.  The milk is like liquid gold in our house.  I refuse to throw it out.  Not like he normally has any left anyway.  So, until he turns one year in November I will be a human cow.  Moo moo!

Monday, February 7, 2011

The guilt of a new mom

I miss my sweet three month old son Peyton's big smile.  I miss his big toothless grin when I am at work each day.  I am a little jealous of the people in his life that get to see him for extended amounts of time during the work week.  I get to see him for such a limited amount of time when I get off.  I try to jam pack as much as I can during that time.  But, I cannot help feeling guilty. Guilty that I might not be there when he rolls over for the first time.  I might not be there to comfort him when he feels bad.  During the weekend it is easier to leave him with Dustin while I run a quick errand.  Peyton is at this great age when everyday is a gift.  He is not mobile yet so I enjoy getting to hold him as much as I can.  I try to nurse him as much as possible while we are both home.  This helps a little with the guilt knowing that I am the only one that can have this special bond with him.  It is almost time to go home for the day.  Oh, how I cannot wait to kiss him and hug him.